Get report example - Perl
The following is a working example in Perl:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; use Data::Dumper; use JSON; use Date::Simple; use URI::Encode qw(uri_decode uri_encode ); ############ Config ############ my $username = 'tobeissued; my $password = 'tobeissued'; ################################ my $destination; ################### Hand shake #################### my %fields = ( command => 'cmdBoxTWebAPIHandShake', username => "$username", password => "$password" ); my @args = (); foreach my $key ( keys %fields ) { my $value = uri_encode( $fields{ $key } ); push @args, "$key=$value"; } my $queryString = join('&', @args ); $destination = "$queryString"; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $response = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET => $destination)); my $json = JSON->new(); my $obj = $json->decode( $response->content ); unless ( $obj->{ status } == 200) { print Data::Dumper->Dump([ $obj ]); exit; } ##################### Get Report ############## #Extract Key from the resulting JSON for use in the Get Reports my $key = $obj->{ key }; %fields = ( command => 'cmdBoxTWebAPIGetReports', username => "$username", key => "$key", reportName => 'ACCT: Transaction Summary', startDate => '2021-03-01', endDate => '2021-03-31' ); @args = (); foreach my $key ( keys %fields ) { my $value = uri_encode( $fields{ $key } ); push @args, "$key=$value"; } $queryString = join('&', @args ); $destination = "$queryString"; $response = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET => $destination)); $obj = $json->decode( $response->content ); unless ( $obj->{ status } == 200) { print Data::Dumper->Dump([ $obj ]); exit; } my @result = @{ $obj->{ output }} ;