Sales: 603-546-6751




Customer Financials


Provides a list of transactions, a single transaction based on a valid id, and allows for payments. Here you will submit the following arguments and the system will respond with a JSON that includes:

Retrieve transactions (list):

The transaction list will provide a list of job transactions, however, it will do so 50 records at a time. The offset argument will allow developers to control the starting point in which the database will start generating records.

Arguments Req Data Type Example
command Y N/A cmdBoxTPortalTransactionsList
username_api Y N/A Same as the handshake
session_key_api Y N/A Provided by handshake
username_customer Y N/A To be issued
session_key_customer Y N/A Provided by customer handshake
customer_id Y int(11) Provided by customer handshake
offset Y int(11) 0

Box Tracker Response:: A JSON with the following fields:

Field Example Explanation
status 200 See the status code section
errorString ERROR: Invalid Session Key What if anything went wrong
transactionsObjList --- An object that contains all customer transactions available to the portal

Sample Code ( Perl ):

     use strict; 
     use LWP::UserAgent;
     use Data::Dumper; 
     use JSON;  
     use URI::Encode qw(uri_decode uri_encode); 

     my $destination; 

     my %fields = ( 
          command => "cmdBoxTPortalTransactionsList",
          username_api => "username_api",
          session_key_api => "session_key_api",
          username_customer => "username_customer",
          session_key_customer => "session_key_customer",
          customer_id => "customer_id",
          offset => "offset"

     my @args = (); 

     foreach my $key (keys %fields) { 
          my $value = uri_encode($fields{$key});  
          push @args, "$key=$value"; 

     my $queryString = join('&', @args);  
     $destination = "$queryString"; 

     my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; 
     my $response =  $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET => $destination));

     my $json = JSON->new(); 
     my $obj = $json->decode($response->content);  

     print Data::Dumper->Dump([$obj]); 

Retrieve transaction (single):

Arguments Req Data Type Example
command Y N/A cmdBoxTPortalTransactionData
username_api Y N/A Same as the handshake
session_key_api Y N/A Provided by handshake
username_customer Y N/A To be issued
session_key_customer Y N/A Provided by customer handshake
customer_id Y int(11) 54321
transaction_id Y int(11) 12345
version Y int(11) 1

version 1: supported by portal v1.0.9 or older
version 2: supported by portal v1.1.0 going forward. In this version, we introduce the multiple payments; does not make use of the transaction_id.

Box Tracker Response:: A JSON with the following fields:

Field Example Explanation
status 200 See the status code section
errorString ERROR: Invalid Session Key What if anything went wrong
transactionObj --- An object that contains all information belonging to the target transaction. Or if using v2, a list of all transactions with an open balance.

Sample Code ( Perl ):

     use strict; 
     use LWP::UserAgent;
     use Data::Dumper; 
     use JSON;  
     use URI::Encode qw(uri_decode uri_encode); 

     my $destination; 

     my %fields = ( 
          command => "cmdBoxTPortalTransactionData",
          version => 2,
          username_api => "username_api",
          session_key_api => "session_key_api",
          username_customer => "username_customer",
          session_key_customer => "session_key_customer",
          customer_id => "customer_id",
          transaction_id => "transaction_id"

     my @args = (); 

     foreach my $key (keys %fields) { 
          my $value = uri_encode($fields{$key});  
          push @args, "$key=$value"; 

     my $queryString = join('&', @args);  
     $destination = "$queryString"; 

     my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; 
     my $response =  $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET => $destination));

     my $json = JSON->new(); 
     my $obj = $json->decode($response->content);  

     print Data::Dumper->Dump([$obj]); 

Direct/One time payment

Arguments Req Data Type Example
command Y N/A cmdBoxTPortalProcessPayment
username_api Y N/A Same as the handshake
session_key_api Y N/A Provided by handshake
username_customer Y N/A To be issued
session_key_customer Y N/A Provided by customer handshake
customer_id Y int(11) Provided by customer handshake
ccard_id Y int(11) 12345
transaction_id Y int(11) 12345 / (12345 or 1234|6789 if using v2)
payment_mode Y int(1) 1 - invoices / 2 - customer balance
version Y int(11) 2

The arguments below must be included if the ccard_id happens to be 0
ccard_first_name Y (if) varchar(150) John or ABC
ccard_last_name Y (if) varchar(150) Smith or Company
ccard_address Y (if) varchar(100) 123 Main Street
ccard_address2 Y (if) varchar(100) 123 Main Street
ccard_email Y (if) varchar(255)
ccard_city Y (if) varchar(100) Yourtown
ccard_state Y (if) varchar(2) VA or AB
ccard_zip Y (if) varchar(10 12345 or H7J1Y6
ccard_country Y (if) varchar(50) YourCounty
ccard_phone Y (if) varchar(50) 1234567890
ccard_number Y varchar(20) 4111111111111111
ccard_exp_month Y varchar(2) 04
ccard_exp_year Y varchar(2) 22
ccard_cvv Y varchar(5) 123
ccard_store N int(1) 0 or 1
ccard_make_primary N int(1) 0 or 1

version 1: supported by portal v1.0.9 or older; does not require the payment_mode param
version 2: supported by portal v1.1.0 going forward. In this version, we introduce the multiple payments.

Box Tracker Response:: A JSON with the following fields:

Field Example Explanation
status 200 See the status code section
errorString ERROR: Invalid Session Key What if anything went wrong

Sample Code ( Perl ):

     use strict; 
     use LWP::UserAgent;
     use Data::Dumper; 
     use JSON;  
     use URI::Encode qw(uri_decode uri_encode); 

     my $destination; 

     my %fields = ( 
          command => "cmdBoxTPortalProcessPayment",
          payment_mode => 1,
          version => 2,
          ccard_id => "ccard_id",
          transaction_id => "transaction_id",
          username_api => "username_api",
          session_key_api => "session_key_api",
          username_customer => "username_customer",
          session_key_customer => "session_key_customer",
          customer_id => "customer_id"

     if($fields{ccard_id} == 0) {
          $fields{ccard_address} = "ccard_address"; 
          $fields{ccard_address2} = "ccard_address2";
          $fields{ccard_city} = "ccard_city";
          $fields{ccard_country} = "ccard_country";
          $fields{ccard_cvv} = "ccard_cvv";
          $fields{ccard_email} = "ccard_email";
          $fields{ccard_exp_month} = "ccard_exp_month";
          $fields{ccard_exp_year} = "ccard_exp_year";
          $fields{ccard_first_name} = "ccard_first_name";
          $fields{ccard_last_name} = "ccard_last_name";
          $fields{ccard_number} = "ccard_number";
          $fields{ccard_phone} = "ccard_phone";
          $fields{ccard_state} = "ccard_state";
          $fields{ccard_zip} = "ccard_zip";
          $fields{ccard_store} = "ccard_store";
          $fields{ccard_make_primary} = "ccard_make_primary";

     my @args = (); 

     foreach my $key (keys %fields) { 
          my $value = uri_encode($fields{$key});  
          push @args, "$key=$value"; 

     my $queryString = join('&', @args);  
     $destination = "$queryString"; 

     my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; 
     my $response =  $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET => $destination));

     my $json = JSON->new(); 
     my $obj = $json->decode($response->content);  

     print Data::Dumper->Dump([$obj]);